The Kitchen


*Ivy  turns  towards you*  OK  this is the kitchen in Dream Castle.  However,  we  can't  just  walk  in there.  You  see Cherries  Jubilee  is  very  particular  about  who is  allowed  in there.

*Blue Unicorn winks in besides you*


That,  and the pie you stole out of there yesterday,  right  Ivers.

Sparky!!  You are ruining   my  tour,  and  they  never proved  that I was the one that took that pie,  I just don't want  to get stuck with an extra  week  of  kitchen  duty.  If  you  insist on  being   here  why  don't  you run  a  distraction  for Cherry, so I can show my  guest  around?

Sure,  Ivers!  Cherries isn't   gonna  like  it  when she  finds out  though.

*Sparkler walks  out of  hiding  and  goes over to  Cherries  Jubilee and tells her  something.  Cherries  Jubilee gets a look of panic on her face and runs  out  of  the kitchen.*

*Ivy   looks  at  Sparkler  in  dismay*  What  did you tell her.

Oh  only   that  Applejack   and  Cotton  Candy  were  in  the orchard  again  and  it looks   like  they  got  Chief  to help  them  with   the ladder.  You have about a half  of  hour  before she'll get back.
*Sparkler walks over  snitches  a pie.  Then,  winks out*

Ok ,  it would appear that  we have some time  to  look  around  the Kitchen.

Here is  where  the  recipe book

Ah guess what the recipe book isn't on-line yet but if you have a MLP related recipe to submit send it to

And I'll be sure to add it to the book.


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