Baby Applejack

Release Info:
Baby Applejack was released in the UK in 1985 as part of the Play and Care Baby Pony Set.
Picture: Backcard

Picture provided by: Abasca
Pony Description: Accessory Information:
Body: Orange
Hair: Yellow
Symbol: Red-Orange Apples with Green Leaf
Eye Color: Green
Special Notes  
Baby Applejack came with a Yellow Ribbon, Yellow Bear Brush, White playpen, Lavender trimmed heart bib, Pink with white text B-A-B-Y necklace, Lavender trimmed Baby Bottle, White base stacking toy with blue, yellow, green and pink rings, Diaper, Snugfit Diaper Box,

Picture provided by: Abasca

Picture provided by: ChipsteRJ
Additional Pictures and Pony Information:

Argentinean Baby Applejack
Picture Provided by: BerryMouse
Book Info    
1990 UK Annual

Issue No. 16 - 1989
Media Info    




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