Aurora Mist

Release Info:
Aurora Mist was released in the US early 2007 as part of the Crystal Princess Line.
Picture: Backcard Info

Picture provided by: Marian
A royal celebration is in order, because the ponies have discovered that they are all real princesses! The fairy tale has come true -- for everyone!

Birthday Month:

Favorite Color:
ocean blue

Favorite Treat:
oatmeal cookies

Favorite thing to do:
collecting seashells

Pony Description: Accessory Information:
Body:  Blue Pegasus Pony
Hair: Pink and blue mane with aqua tail
Cutie Mark: Blue jewel in the center of an aqua starfish, with a pink clam shell and blue bubbles
Hoof Mark: Pink Heart
Eye Color: Blue with dark blue and a yellow heart
Special Notes:  
Aurora Mist came with a blue brush.
Additional Pictures and Pony Information:
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