The Rainbow Baby Ponies Make a Rainbow
The Rainbow Babies live in a cozy little cave on Rainbow Mountain. They
call it their Rainbow Nursery!” I do love your stories," said one of the
babies to the Rainbow Curl Ponies who also live on Rainbow Mountain. "I
like the one about the lost rainbow best of all!” That night, the rainbow
baby decided to go and search for the lost rainbow. She flew all around
the lands of clouds and stars...but she couldn't find the rainbow. At
last, she was too tired to look any more so she went back to Rainbow
Mountain.” You must have found the rainbow!" laughed the other Rainbow
Babies as their sleepy friend climbed into her cot. "It's so bright, it
lights up the cave! We'll have to call you Baby Bright Bow!" So that's how
Baby Bright Bow got her name! You can see her bright rainbow, can't you?
One cloudy day, the Rainbow Babies were bored with their nursery toys.
Gazing out the window,
they saw the rainbow trying to break through the clouds. "Let's make a
rainbow they shouted.
They scampered outside with all their hair ribbons and began to tie them
together to make long
colorful stripes. When they were finished, it looked like a rainbow
indeed-but it was on the
grass, not in the sky where rainbows should be. The ponies touched the
stripes with their
noses...and the ribbons turned into a real rainbow and floated up in the
air. "Now we have a
double rainbow!" laughed the Rainbow Baby, as everyone came outside to
admire the ponies'
beautiful creation. |