Baby Moondancer

Release Info:
Baby Moondancer was released in 1985 as part of the first Baby Ponies Set. She was also released in Europe and in many variations around the world.
Baby Moondreamer was released as part of the Pearlized Baby Pony set.


Picture: Backcard Story
Baby Moondancer Baby Moondancer

Dusk was falling over the forest when Baby Moondancer donned her tutu and ballet slippers to practice her dance steps. "Extend and stretch," she remembered, just like her mother, Moondancer, taught her. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell onto a bed of soft moss.

"I'll never learn to dance like a real ballerina," she sighed. Mr. Moon was watching Baby Moondancer pull herself to her feet. "Don't stop because of a little fall," the Moon urged. "I'll help you dance by casting my shadow on the ground where you should take each step." Baby Moondancer followed Mr. Moon's instructions. Soon she was pirouetting and swaying with ease. While she danced, the wind quietly called Mother Moondancer to the forest. She was very proud indeed of her little ballerina.

Pony Description: Accessory Information:
Body: White
Hair: Light Pink with a Purple Stripe in Mane
Symbol: One Dark Pink Moon and Two Stars
Eyes: Lavender
Special Notes: Glitter Symbol
Baby Moondancer came with a Round Puffy Sticker, a Blue Bear Brush, Purple Ribbon, Purple Trimmed Baby Bottle, Purple Trimmed Heart Bib, Yellow Duck Toy with pink wheels, Purple Rocker, White Diaper, Yellow Baby Pony Diaper Box.
Additional Pictures and Pony Information:

The Mail Order Pearlized Baby Moondreamer (China)
When they pearlized this set of ponies they put her name as Baby Moondreamer.

Mail Order Baby Moondreamer (Hong Kong)


'Bebe Lunita'
Argentinean Baby Moondancer
Picture provided by: KitKatVintage

Argentinean Baby Moondancer (First Tooth)
Picture provided by: Bridgets Mum

Argentinean Baby Moondancer
Picture provided by: Bridgets Mum

Greek Baby Moondancer
Picture provided by: Stormy31685

German Baby - Non Glitter Symbols

Mexican Baby 2 Star Symbol

Mexican Baby 3 Star Symbol

Peruvian Baby

Spanish Baby
Picture provided by: Princess Locket

Stickle (US) - Baby Moondancer

Picture provided by: Drusilla
Book Info    

Baby Ponies' Party Coloring Fun
1986 - Happy House
Media Info   Foreign and alternate names
Baby Moondancer stared in 'Escape from Katrina' she was voiced by:   Pearlized Version: Baby Moondreamer


Also See Moondancer


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