was adjusting her straw hat in the Pretty Parlor mirror when she saw it was five
minutes before the hour. “It’s almost time!” she told her pet kitty Twinkles. As
she hooked up her bridle and saddle, Peachy offered Twinkles a ride. “We don’t
want to be late for today’s tea party!” Quickly, Twinkles jumped on Peachy’s
back and they scurried out the door. “Don’t forget the flowers,” reminded a
mysterious voice. “Who said that?” Twinkles wondered. Looking towards the
parlor, they heard the voice again. “I said it. Me, the magical mirror! I didn’t
see you take the flowers, Peachy.” “Can mirrors really see things?” Peachy asked
excitedly. “Oh yes. Mirrors can see people as clearly as people can see mirrors.
Hurry now, or you’ll be late.” Peachy grabbed the bouquet of flowers as Twinkles
waved good-bye to the magical mirror. Peachy could hardly wait to tell her
friends at the tea party all about the talking mirror. Afterwards, Peachy
invited everyone to freshen up in the Pretty Parlor and talk to the magical
mirror! |