Skippity Doo
The day of the big Pony Picnic had finally arrived! All the ponies were
having fun swimming in the lake and playing games. "You're next," Lofty
called to Skippity Doo, who was waiting for her turn to run through the
spinning jump rope. As she did, her hoof bounced off a pebble, sending
Skippity Doo high into the air! "Whee!" she laughed as she landed on a
cloud. She reached beneath the cloud's silver lining and pulled out a
heaping handful of shiny sunbeams. She tossed the sunbeams down to the
picnic area while the others watched from below. Before they reached the
ground, the sunbeams magically changed into colourful parasols for all the
ponies. This was Skippity Doo's finest jump indeed! |