
Release Info:
Sparkler was released in 1985 in the US and Canada as part of the Second Unicorn and Pegasus Set.
Sparkler was not released in the UK though  though she appeared in the annual. She was released in other parts of Europe.
Sparkler was released again in 1989 as part of the Merry Go Round Set.
Picture: Backcard Story

1985 Sparkler


Sparkler stood out in the sun, admiring her collection. "It's so beautifully shiny," she remarked as she rearranged her glitter cards, gold coins and aluminum foil pieces. Sparkler loves shiny, sparkling objects. When the moon is full, she follows the brightest star in search of glittering trinkets. On the night of the last full moon, Sparkler found a glowing diamond. "This will be perfect for Majesty's crown," she thought. But Majesty urged Sparkler to keep the jewel because someday she might have a crown of her own.

1989 Merry-Go-Round Pony Sparker

Sparkler hoped to win the contest for having the best-tasting pie at the Ponyland Fair. The mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked apple, blueberry, and strawberry pies filled the air as the judges sampled each treat. When they tasted Sparkler's pie, the judges smiled and agreed it was the most delicious of all! Sparkler was presented with a shiny jeweled cape for winning the contest, but none of the other ponies seemed to notice because they were to busy munching Sparkler's award-winning pie.
Pony Description: Accessory Information:
1985 Unicorn and Pegasus Set Sparkler
Body: Powder Blue
Hair: Purple with a Red Stripe in Mane
Symbol: Nine Blue Glitter Diamonds
Eye Color: Purple
Special Notes  



Body: Purple
Hair: Aqua
Symbol: White, Pink and Aqua Diamond Saddle Desgin.
Eye Color: Pink
Special Notes Raised Saddle Desing


1985 Sparkler came with a pink ribbon, a white moon comb, and a round puffy sticker.

1988 Sparkler
came with a yellow flower brush.

Additional Pictures and Pony Information:

Sparkler's Non-Display Side




Italian Sparkler

Picture Provided by: SoSilver

Record Player - Sparkler (US)

Stick-on Digital Wall Clock - Merry-Go-Round Sparkler

Brooch - Sparkler (France)

Sparkler (US) Stickles
Book Info    

My Little Pony Makes a Wish
1986- Random House
Written by Carey Timm
Illustrated by Renzo Barto
-Was available in both soft and hard cover

The Magic Nut Tree
Picture provided by: sparkleset80

Baby Ponies' Party Coloring Fun
1986 - Happy House
1993 UK Annual

UK Comic
Issue No. 1 - 1987
Media Info    
Sparkler appeared in the 2nd My Little Pony Special "Escape from Catrina" \  

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