"What's for dinner?" Bouncy asked, standing in the doorway of the Paradise
Estate kitchen dripping wet from her swim in the pool. "Spaghetti," Taffy
answered, grabbing a mop to soak up the puddle around Bouncy. No one
noticed the mop handle accidentally knocking over Cupcake's jar of "Magic
Sticky Stuff" and pouring it into the pot of spaghetti. "YUMM-this is
delicious!" the ponies chanted as Taffy served dinner. As they ate, the
noticed that the spaghetti stuck to their plates and forks. It took all
the pulling and yanking they could muster to get the food into their
mouths! Taffy couldn't understand what went wrong until Cupcake spotted
the empty jar. "I think you added an extra ingredient," Cupcake laughed.
Quickly, Taffy added some sugar and spice, and turned the spaghetti into
the best dessert the ponies ever tasted. |