The Rockin' Beat Ponies Bring Spring to
Spring was in the air, on the day of the Rockin'
Beat ponies' special outdoor concert. The audience cheered as Sweet Notes,
Tuneful, Half Note, and Pretty Beat took center stage and began to play their
most popular hits. Soon, the lively sound of rock 'n roll music reached the sky,
causing the clouds to swing and sway, and the sun to look down with a warm,
glowing smile. Then, all at once, the flowers in Ponyland blossomed into a sea
of dazzling, beautiful colors: heart-shaped violets, bright white daisies and
pretty red roses were everywhere. Even the trees had lots of fluttery new
leaves. By playing their happy tunes, the Rockin' Beat ponies had brought
Springtime to Ponyland... and everyone began to dance.