The Waterfall
Sprinkles & Duck Soup

Release Info:
The Waterfall was released in the US in 1984. It came with Sprinkles the Pegasus Pony and Duck Soup the duck. In the UK it was released with Sprinkles and Duck Soup as well, however there is a second version with green clouds? that was released with another pony named Cascade.
Picture: Pamphlet Story

My Little Pony Waterfall

On sunny days all the little ponies gather under the waterfall to wash their long silky manes. Bubbles loves to sit in the middle of the pond and pop all the soap bubbles. Seashell wades in the shallow part and says it is the next best thing to being at the beach. The ponies splash about and laugh at the antics of the pegasus Sprinkles, who lives among the clouds. "Catch me if you can," Sprinkles shouts as she flies into the rainbow and goes into a spiral loop!

Sprinkles the Pegasus and her sidekick Duck Soup One day when Sprinkles the Pegasus was flying up along the clouds, she discovered a waterfall. Under it was a beautiful pond, nestled among the clouds. Sprinkles flew down and began to splash and frolic in the water! She was having so much fun washing her mane and tail in the soap bubbles that she didn't notice someone else was there, too. "Hi," quacked a voice. "My name's Duck Soup!" With a quick shake of her tail feathers, the duck waddled over to greet Sprinkles! Sprinkles knew right away that Duck Soup liked ponds as much as she did. They took a bubble bath together and soon became the best of friends.

Our Pony's Personality
Sprinkles enjoys taking long, luxurious bubble baths under the waterfall as well as flying over the rainbow in search of an adventure! She loves to play in the water and is learning how to dive. (Right now she's working on a back flip.) She often shows off her latest dive for the others when they are
bathing in the pond.

Pony Description: Accessory Information:
Body: Lavender
Hair: Aqua
Symbol: 6 Blue Ducks
Eye Color:  Light Blue
Special Notes:  
 The waterfall came with Sprinkles, Duck Soup, Pony Bubbles, Sponge Brush, Pink Handled Comb, Two Purple Curlers, Blue Terry Towel and a Light Green Ribbon.
Additional Pictures and Pony Information:
Regular Release Sprinkles (Came with Waterfall)
Mail Order Sprinkles
Mail Order Sprinkles - She came without the Waterfall and is a pink instead of lavender
Comparison between MO and Reg Sprinkles
Comparision between MO Sprinkles and Reg Sprinkles.
Image Needed
Argentinean Sprinkles
Image Needed
Brazilian Sprinkles
Image Needed
Italian Sprinkles

Puzzle featuring Sprinkles and the Waterfall
Picture provided by: Drusilla

Waterfall Tote Bag
Picture provided by: Drusilla

My Little Pony Record Case - 1985 (US) - Side
Picture Provided by: Drusilla

Postcard with Stickers - European Origin
Sprinkles is the third pony down on the left side

Picture provided by Sebby6

Sprinkles Mini Yo Yo
Picture provided by: Pikabubba
Book Info    

The Magic Nut Tree
Mini World Book
Picture provided by: sparkleset80

Hide-And-Seek Coloring Book
1986 - Happy House
Illustrated by Renzo Barto

UK Comic
Issue No. 1 - 1987

Issue No. 16 - 1989
Media Info   Foreign Names
    German Name:
   Duck Soup:
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