Year 2{1984}
MoonstoneMoonstone also was found at the flea market then replaced several times when a better condition one was found. She seems to be the second most common of the year 2 rainbow ponies next to Parasol. I seem to find her everywhere. |
WindyGoodness, I love the coloring to windy. I'm not even sure why since my favorite color is blue. Finding this pony is perfect condition is a tough quest but I did it. I even have her backcard to go along with her. |
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StarshineWhile I have yet to find a perfect condition Starshine. I do have one with an interesting story to her. I found this Starshine at a garage sale for $.25 in fact she used to belong to a girl I went to school with. However she had a slight problem she had no tail. Buckbuddy who was trading with me at the time had a Parasol who I think she was going to custom with a majorly frizzed tail and asked if I wanted it. She conditioned it and combed it strait and it turned out wonderfully. Starshine has had a wonderful tail ever since. |
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SkydancerI was so mad that Skydancer didn't have a bigger role in Escape from Catrina. She has always been such a gorgeous pony. Another Flea Market find believe it or not. |
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ParasolPonyfeathers, I really love this Parasol. Isn't she gorgeous. Her hair is perfect her symbol is perfect and I love that shy pose. |
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SunlightEverything I said about Parasol I could also say about Sunlight. Actually I got her at the Flea Market and haven't been able to find one in better condition since. And I love her powder blue color. |
CharacterSeawinkle and Sealight were the two adult Sea ponies Sundance and I had. They saved Princess Sparkle once when Princess Tiffany threw her off the bridge into the river. They were always there when the ponies were having fun in the water. Oh in our ponyland Seawinkle was male. |
CharacterSundance and I often let these two live in their own little world. Sealight and Seawinkle are married. They are always playful but Sealight seems to always be getting Seawinkle out of trouble. |
WavedancerI found Wavedancer at the stockyards along with many of my early collection ponies. I was always going to the stockyards to buy ponies for around $1.00 each. |
The Pretty Parlor with Peachy & TwinklesPeachy, Peachy everywhere I think with the exception of Cotton Candy, Peachy must be the most common pony there is. And the funny thing is no matter how many Peachy's I find in various conditions I have never once found her Parlor. So I did what any ponyperson would do, I bought it off of eBay. |
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The Show Stable with Lemon Drop & BrandyI got Lemon Drop for a christmas gift one year with her stable(used) from one of my cousins they found it at a garage sale. |
Waterfall with Sprinkles & Duck Soup
Dream Castle with Majesty &Spike
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