Mijn Kleines Pony
Dutch Pony
The Dutch Ponies all came with just a comb and
only in one color - Dark Yellow.
(Body color / hair color/ symbol) |
Type |
Accessories |
Meezing Pony (Sing-A-Long Pony) |
Earth |
Sterretjes Pony (Star Pony) |
Earth |
Dark Yellow Three Star Pick |
Schelp Pony (Shell Pony)
(Blue, Blue, Dark Blue Oyster Shell & Red
Snail Shell) |
Earth |
Snoepjes Pony (Candy Pony)
(Pink, Dark Pink, Dark Purple Wrapped Candy) |
Earth |
Dark Yellow Candy Comb |
Hartjes Pony (Heart Pony)
(Pink, Purple, Red Heart with Smaller Pink
Hearts) |
Earth |
Vlinder Pony (Butterfly Pony)
(Yellow, Cream, Purple Butterflies) |
Earth |
Bloemetjes Pony (Flower Pony)
(Yellow, Lavender, Dark Blue & Pink Flower) |
Earth (Baby) |
Poesjes Pony (Cat Pony)
(Orange, White, Purple Cat) |
Earth (Baby) |
Dark Yellow Flower Brush |
(Love Pony)
(Blue, Pink, Purple Envelope) |
Earth |
Dark Yellow Clover Comb |
Dolfijn Pony (Dolphin Pony) |
Earth (Baby) |
Dark Yellow 1234 Comb |
Konijntjes Pony (Rabbit Pony) |
Pegasus (Baby) |
Dark Yellow Flower Brush |
Schule Pony (School Pony) |
Earth (Baby) |
Dagboek Pony (Diary Pony) |
Earth |
Dark Yellow Diary Comb |
My Little Ponies
G1 My Little Ponies
Other Foreign G1 My Little Ponies