Year 5 (1987)
(Body color / hair color/ symbol) |
Type |
Accessories |
My Little Pony (4th set) AKA: (Movie Star
Ponies)(NSS Ponies) |
(Purple / Blue with Purple stripe / Three
Buttons and blue stars) | Unicorn pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Pink ribbon, Yellow sun comb |
![](Year4/Buttonscomb.jpg) |
(Purple / Blue with Purple stripe / Three
Buttons) | Unicorn pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, ??Ribbon, ?? Comb |
(White / Green with red stripe /Purple maple
leaves) | Unicorn pony | Round
Puffy Sticker, Pink ribbon, Pink shooting moon comb |
![](Year4/SSGustycomb.jpg) |
Magic star
(Yellow / Green /Magic Wand)
(Tootsie Pose) | Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, |
North Star
(Purple / Purple / Compass and star) |
Pegasus pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Blue ribbon, Pink bird brush |
![UK North Star's Bird Brush](UKYear5/NorthStar.jpg)
(Pink / Chartreuse / Sunglasses) |
Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Blue ribbon, Purple Sun Pick |
![](Year4/shadycomb.jpg) |
Wind Whistler
(Blue / Light Pink / Blue and Pink Whistles) |
Pegasus pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, White ribbon, Pink-Purple bird brush |
![](UKYear5/UKWindWhistler.jpg) |
Twinkle-eye ponies (Yr. 5) |
Fizzy (re-release) |
Unicorn Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker |
Locket |
Pegasus Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Dark pink ribbon, Purple Sun Pick |
Sky Rocket |
Earth Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, |
Speedy |
Earth Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, |
Sweetie (re-release)
(US: Sweet Stuff) |
Earth Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, |
Tic Tac Toe |
Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, |
Party Ponies AKA (Twice As Fancy)(Yr.
5) |
Dancing Butterflies | Pegasus Pony |
Dark blue ribbon, Dark Pink sun comb |
![](Year5/DancingButterfliescomb.jpg) |
Love Melody | Earth pony |
Lavender ribbon, Dark pink butterfly brush |
![](Year5/loveMelodycomb.jpg) |
Milky Way | Unicorn Pony |
Purple ribbon, Blue butterfly brush |
![](Year5/Milkywaycomb.jpg) |
Strawberry Fair
(US: Sugarberry) | Earth pony |
Green ribbon, Pink sun comb |
![](Year5/sugarberrycomb.jpg) |
(US: Sweet Tooth) | Earth pony |
Pink ribbon, Purple moon comb |
![](Year5/SweetToothcomb.jpg) |
Up, Up and Away | Earth pony |
Yellow ribbon, Green moon comb |
![](Year5/upupcomb.jpg) |
Princess Ponies and Attendants
(Yr. 5) |
Princess Ruby
(US: Princess Primrose) | Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Pink Ribbon with gold trim, Yellow Damsel
Hat with Silver Flowers and Pink and Gold Trim Ribbons, Pink Wand, Light
Three Star Pick, Pink Dragon (Sparks) |
![](UKYear5/PrincessRuby.jpg) |
Princess Sapphire
(US: Princess Royal Blue) | Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, White Ribbon with Gold Trim, Aqua
Wand, Dark Purple three Star Comb, Purple Damsel hat with Siler Moons and
Yellow with Gold Trim Ribbon, Blue Dragon (Smokey) |
![](UKYear5/PrincessSapphire.jpg) |
Princess Aquamarine
(US: Princess Serena) | Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Light Purple with Silver Tears and Hearts
and Yellow with Gold Trim ribbon Damsel Hat, Purple Wand, Purple 3 Star
Pick, Green Dragon (Prickles) |
Princess Amethyst
(US: Princess Sparkle) | Unicorn Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Lavender Dragon (Spiny) |
Princess Amber
(US: Princess Starburst) | Earth pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Yellow Dragon (Flash) |
Princess Pearl
(US: Princess Tiffany) | Pegasus Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Blue Damsel Hat with Silver Hearts and
Tears with Pink Ribbons, Red Dragon (Fiery) |
Baby first-tooth ponies (Yr. 5) |
Baby Bouncy | Baby Pegasus Pony |
Dark pink ribbon, Yellow duck comb, Pink with blue toothpaste,
Blue toothbrush, Sippy cup, Pink with yellow wheel xylophone, Blue hammer,
Star print panties |
![](Year5/BabyBouncycomb.jpg) |
Baby Fifi | Baby Earth pony |
Pink ribbon, Lavender duck comb, Peach w/ blue toothpaste, Blue toothbrush,
Sipper cup, Star Print Panties, Pink multicolor xylophone w/ blue mallet |
![](Year5/BabyFifiComb.jpg) |
Baby Lickety Split | Baby Earth pony |
White ribbon , Aqua duck comb, Yellow toothpaste, Green
toothbrush, Pink butterfly teething ring, glow worm, Star print panties |
Baby North Star | Baby Pegasus pony |
Dark Aqua ribbon, Pink duck comb, Glow worm, Blue with purple toothpaste,
Lavender toothbrush, Aqua butterfly teething ring, Party pants box, Star print panties |
![](Year5/BabyNorthstarcomb.jpg) |
Baby Quackers | Baby Earth pony |
Orange ribbon, Purple duck comb, Tooth pillow w/ tooth, Aqua
w/ purple toothpaste tube, Pink toothbrush, Yellow stack toy w/ pink, aqua,
lavender, yellow rings, Star print panties |
![](Year5/BabyQuackerscomb.jpg) |
Baby Tic-Tac-Toe | Baby Earth pony |
White ribbon, Pink duck comb, Green w/ pink toothpaste tube, Aqua toothbrush,
Pink stack toy w/ aqua, yellow, blue, lavender rings, Star print panties, Tooth pillow w/ tooth |
![](Year5/Babytictactoecomb.jpg) |
Newborn twin ponies (Yr. 5) |
Dibbles & Nibbles |
Newborn twin pegasus ponies |
Round Puffy Sticker**, 2 Pink ribbons, Yellow and Pale blue bear
brushes, Pink with aqua top rattle, Blue with yellow top rattle, 2 small all white bottles,1 diaper
Box, 2 newborn diapers, aqua with yellow top bassinet
** there apparently were two variations to the stickers, one
that had the name Dibbles & Nibbles on them and another that had the name
Dimples & Ruffles
Credits: Thanks to
Chrissytree for information on the Stickers |
Sniffles & Snookums |
Newborn twin unicorn ponies |
Round Puffy Sticker**,Ribbons?? Aqua Bear Brush, White Bear Brush,
Yellow with Aqua Text Necklace, White with Purple Text Necklace, 2 small all white bottles, 1 diaper box, 2 diapers,
Aqua &
yellow Stroller
** there apparently were two variations to the stickers, one that had the name
Sniffles & Snookums on them and another that had the name
Sniffles & Snuggles
Credits: Thanks to
ChipsteRJ for info on the Baby necklaces,
thanks to Chrissytree for information on the Stickers | |
Flutter ponies (Yr. 5) |
Cloud Puff | Flutter Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Pink metallic ribbon, yellow w/ purple flower comb |
Tropical Breeze | Flutter Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Blue metallic ribbon, lavender w/ hot pink flower comb |
Wind Drifter | Flutter Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Metallic Ribbon, pink w/ yellow flower comb |
Wind Song | Flutter Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Green w/ gold edge ribbon, blue w/ yellow flower comb |
Adventure Boy Ponies
(Yr. 5) |
(US: 4-Speed) |
Male Pony | Purple frog brush,
Dark Pink Paisley print Bandana, Yellow hard hat |
Quarterback |
Male Pony |
Pink grasshopper comb, Pink Paisley print Bandana,
Purple helmet |
(US: Salty) |
Male Pony | Yellow frog brush,
Lime green paisley print Bandana, white sailor hat |
First Base
(US: Slugger) |
Male Pony | aqua grasshopper comb, blue scarf, blue baseball hat |
(US: Steamer) |
Male Pony | mint green frog brush, scarf,
engineer hat |
Tex |
Male Pony | periwinkle grasshopper comb, scarf, cowboy hat |
Mountain Boy Ponies (Yr. 5) |
Fireball | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Orangish-Pink Ribbon, Purple Frog Brush |
Ice Crystal | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Dark Blue Ribbon, Pale Aqua
Frog Brush |
![](UKYear5/IceCrystalSticker.jpg) |
Lighting | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Yellow-Green Ribbon, Yellow
Frog Brush |
Sunburst | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Orangish -Pink Ribbon, Pale
Blue Grasshopper Comb |
![](UKYear5/SunburstSticker.jpg) |
Thundercloud | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, Purple Ribbon, Yellow
Grasshopper Comb |
Tornado | Male Pony |
Round Puffy Sticker, White Ribbon, Dark Pink
Grasshopper Comb |
![](UKYear5/TornadoSticker.png) |
Special Sets (Yr.
5) |
Tutti Frutti (Birthday Party Set) |
My Little Ponies
G1 My Little Ponies
Other Foreign G1 My Little Ponies